Sunday, April 1, 2018

At Sea – April 1, 2018

An event filled day!

I didn’t wake up until 9:15 so no water aerobics for me.  I had actually awakened about an hour earlier and we were rocking so much I figured the water would be sloshing all over the pool so I went back to sleep.

Ate a roll and had some juice and then headed for Sit and Stitch.  Many in our group got off yesterday to go on safari so there were only four of us.  Since I finished my second pair of socks I have started on a new project - a warm scarf for Antarctica.

Trivia was in the Crow’s Nest (nobody knew why because nothing was going on in the Ocean Bar) and this was definitely not our day.  We  only had 8 while the winning team had 11 out of 15.
1)What is the fastest flying insect?
2)What is a group of frogs known as?
3)What did Freud say was the “goal of life”?
4)How many day long segments of the Tour de France are there?
5)What was the name of the dog in “Little House on the Prairie” TV series?

We missed all of these. 

There is a brunch every Sunday that is a sea day.  Today there was a special Easter Sunday Brunch.  Marilyn had reserved places for our trivia team and the six of us had a good meal and a good time.

After brunch I went to Arts and Crafts.  Today there was another zendangle card.  Since it was not jewelry there were only about half the number of participants.  I did not finish (that is why there is no picture) because trivia was at 3:00.

We even did worse than this morning (but better than our all time low – 5) with 7 out of 17.  The winning team had 16!
1)What is the only planet that rotates clockwise?
2)Which US president opened the Empire State Building?
3)Which boxer was known as the “pride of El Paso”?
4)What was Hitler’s dog’s name?
5)In what year did Elvis have the hits Heartbreak Hotel, Hound Dog, and Love Me Tender?

Marilyn, Bev, and I decided to drown our sorrows by going to visit Larry, one of the Future Cruise Consultants.  And why did we go?  We all made a pre-booking for the 2020 World Voyage!  The amazing itinerary appealed to us all.  If we all end up going we have a ready made trivia team and dinner table!  We sat and talked for over an hour after making our bookings.

When I returned to my cabin there was a three pack of candy bars for Easter.

It was then time to get ready for the Gala Night and a special Mariners cocktail party.  This was a chance to meet (and be photographed) with Orlando Ashford and his wife.  His two teenage sons were in line in front of me and Hamish (the CD) was teasing them that they had to stand in line to get a picture with their parents.  After shaking hands with everyone I got a glass of really undrinkable wine and looked for a place to sit.  I could not find one and as I have already mentioned, I am not a cocktail party person.  So, instead of standing, I went to the Piano Bar to play SINGO.

We had a special Easter menu for dinner.  I had fruit, Chateaubriand (which was fantastic), and cheesecake for dessert.

The show was the Amsterdam Singers and Dancers presenting “Atlantic Crossing”.  This had music from the British invasion from the Beatles up to Adele.  It was very good.

Another gift was on my bed when I returned.  It is a very nice Waterford crystal sugar bowl but very heavy.  It’s good that my cases are going home by FedEx and do not have to be weighed to get on a plane!

One more sea day until Cape Town.
decorations in the Lido

main dining room decorated

our morning team

First course

Main course


Easter candy

three pictures above from the cocktail party

crystal bowl

Easter dinner menu

Morning trivia…
1)dragon fly

Afternoon trivia…
3)Oscar de la Hoya

Smooth sailing until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Can you let us know about the 2020 itinerary? We would love to try a WC on HAL!

